Tuesday, March 1, 2011

It only comes once

I'm sitting in a meeting with 75 people from 4 continents in our twice a year leadership meeting. Yesterday at the first day of this 2 day meeting I received a Vice President's Award for the awe inspiring database integration I do with website design but that's not what inspired me to write today.

This morning I figured I wouldn't attend day 2 since I only had reason to be here the first day. This morning my schedule was open so I was going to drive Pickle to preschool. Pickle was eating and I was about to and Noodle came down from your bedroom for the first time in the morning. You had that bashful "I don't want to process too much info, I just woke up and want to be held" look. So I gently swooped you up. I asked if you wanted to eat breakfast or snuggle on the couch first and you chose to snuggle first. You picked a book and we snuggled and I read a Magic School Bus book. In the middle Carrot came down for the first time of the morning and quietly bashfully came over and snuggled on my other side, and we continued reading. (Pickle was eating but came over to say hi.) I was proud of you, Carrot for having dry underwear again. You've been doing good for about a month now.

We had breakfast and were snuggling and going to read another book when I got a call asking I come to the second day, I'm wanted. Being wanted is nice, but I'm very glad we had this morning together. It was one of many like it and Lord willing one of many more. Most people say the time goes by fast but I think that's inaccurate. I think it's more accurate to say the time we have together only comes once and we never get it back. I'm trying to value our time even in the midst of the God given success I'm experiencing at work.