Sunday, October 13, 2024

Make America Great Again: an explanation

Here are some highlights of what MAGA means to someone who actually agrees with it:
  • Immigration
    • legal: plenty & reward
    • illegal: none & punish
    • no taxpayer freebees like cellphones, airplane rides, hotels, childcare, and apartments
  • Economics
    • more of what we buy should be "made in America" ("assembled in America" isn't good enough, manufacture it here)
    • make with quality not planned obsolescence
    • cheap, abundant energy
    • export more, import less
  • Government spending
    • stop giving away billions of dollars over seas (obviously money laundering)
    • stop the laws written with hundreds or even thousands of pages (obviously money laundering)
    • every social problem is not a government program (the preamble to the constitution sets out the original scope of our government: "establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.")
    • balanced budget and debt free, we should be the lenders not the borrowers
    • no such thing as a "can't fail" business, not the job of the government to sustain private businesses (obviously the elites protecting their own, not protecting the people)
  • Government behavior
    • stronger sense of rule by the people through elected officials not by unelected bureaucrats, and stronger sense that political party ideology came from the members and the leadership followed, not from the leadership and the people follow
    • censorship and those who tried to undermine the Bill of Rights were not absent, but at least they were afraid to do so openly
    • election integrity was more believable
    • "lawfare" wasn't a thing
    • less lobbying interest groups influencing or even controlling Congress
    • prioritize people over establishments
  • Military
    • strong military that causes peace not fights for political causes nor for its own special interests
    • no maternity flight suits
    • no new mandatory vaccines
    • no sexual topics (no homosexuality tolerated, no transgender entertained, don't ask don't tell worked fine until we claimed it didn't)
    • no racial privilege & victimization (political correctness) training
    • back the blue (police) not defund them
  • Education
    • school used to be about education and critical thinking, not indoctrination (reading, writing, arithmetic, logic, science, language, debate, manors, these are why we send our kids, not activism, anti-racism, standardized tests, and political correctness reinforcement)
    • no "sex ed" until high school
    • teachers didn't have a conflict of loyalty with the unions
    • teachers were empowered to be leaders (including disciplining when necessary)
    • men and women, boys and girls, were clear who they were and were encouraged that the distinction is clear and good, both on the sports field, in bathrooms, changing rooms, and everywhere else
  • Religion
    • Biblical morality: the 10 Commandments are a good thing, the Bible is true (includes but is not limited to real history)
    • the Bible is recognized as the word of God and the source of all morality, and ethics, laws, and culture are built on morals, not the other way around
    • separation of church and state meant the government didn't bully the church, it wasn't that the church (or Christian values) has no say in politics
  • Culture
    • journalism was all about reporting the facts and none of the journalist's (or their boss's) opinions
    • journalists left public declarations of immorality up to others
    • single income families were common, good, and economically practical, allowing everyone in the family to prioritize strengthening both the family members and the surrounding community. Only one person in the family had to worry about paying the bills, moms (especially full-time moms) were respected for their role in society not taught to resent and reject it
    • murdering babies was both taboo and illegal
    • capitalism (free markets, competition) good, communism (command economies, Marxism, monopolies) bad
    • corruption bad even if it just so happens to benefit you or your political agenda in the moment (see Biblical morality above)
Life is complicated, people are weird, but God is good. And MAGA (like anything) is defined by those who promote it, not by those who criticize it. For more of what the Republican Party is pushing for, watch the convention videos which I turned into an easily browsable playlist at And of course there's the official party platform and Trump's platform. At least, this is what real Republicans push for, there are more RINOs (Republican In Name Only) every year, and you can easily spot them by their votes and the words. For a shorter perspective, try or (I don't endorse either of these last two links, they're just a couple I found with minimal research to show another angle on this topic.)